FindReplaceOptions propiedad. Obtiene o establece un valor booleano que indica que se permite reemplazar el párrafo break cuando no hay un siguiente párrafo relacionado.... Replace ( new Regex ( @"TEXT1&p" )...espacio de nombres Aspose.Words.Replacing asamblea Aspose.Words FindReplaceOptions...
FindReplaceOptions свойство. Получает или задает логическое значение указывающее следует ли игнорировать текст внутри ревизий вставки. Значение по умолчаниюЛОЖЬ .... Replace ( "Hello" , "Greetings" , options...пространство имен Aspose.Words.Replacing сборка Aspose.Words FindReplaceOptions...
C# .NET API to reduce SVG size produced via text vectorization. Direct loading of SVG dtd (Document Type Definition) schemas greatly reduced SVG load time....instead of cubic beziers and replacing the relative path commands...resources, which has been replaced by this optimized approach...
FindReplaceOptions IgnoreInserted fast egendom. Hämtar eller ställer in ett booleskt värde som indikerar att texten i infogningsversioner ska ignoreras. Standardvärdet ärfalsk i C#.... Replace ( "Hello" , "Greetings" , options...namnutrymme Aspose.Words.Replacing hopsättning Aspose.Words FindReplaceOptions...
The SVGDefsElement interface corresponds to the defs element.... Can be set, to replace the contents of the element...its contents. Can be set, to replace the element with nodes parsed...
The SVGGraphicsElement interface represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group.... Can be set, to replace the contents of the element...its contents. Can be set, to replace the element with nodes parsed...