Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications while mail merge is performed....when "mustache" text tags are replaced with MERGEFIELD fields. More...when "mustache" text tags are replaced with MERGEFIELD fields. See...
i would like to remove an attachment from a document
so i have document
and the i run the next
for(Page page : document)
List<AttachedFile> attachments = page.getChildNodes(AttachedFile.class);
…... how can i remove or replace the attachment whit empty one...there is no att.setbyte or replace or something } } amjad.sahi...
PdfSaveOptions UseCoreFonts property. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial Times New Roman Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts in C#....Courier New and Symbol fonts are replaced in PDF document with corresponding..."UseCoreFonts" property to "true" to replace some fonts, // including the...
FindReplaceOptions proprietà. Formattazione del paragrafo applicata al nuovo contenuto.... Replace ( ".&p" , "!&p" , options );...spazio dei nomi Aspose.Words.Replacing assemblea Aspose.Words FindReplaceOptions...