Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications while mail merge is performed....when "mustache" text tags are replaced with MERGEFIELD fields. More...when "mustache" text tags are replaced with MERGEFIELD fields. See...
FindReplaceOptions propiedad. Obtiene o establece un valor booleano que indica que se utiliza el antiguo algoritmo de búsqueda/reemplazo.... Replace ( regex , @"$2 took money from...espacio de nombres Aspose.Words.Replacing asamblea Aspose.Words FindReplaceOptions...
This section describes how to set image size PDF file using Java" ; public static void Replace () { // Instantiate Document..."SetImageSize_out.pdf" ); } } Replace Image in Existing PDF File...
Add page number to file. Page number text may contain sign which will be replaced with number of the page. Page number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally....contain # sign which will be replaced with number of the page. Page...contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. Page number...
Public Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::Effects::IColorChange Class Reference abstract Represen......Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor...get_FromColor ()=0 Color which will be replaced. Read-only IColorFormat ....
FindReplaceOptions proprietà. Ottiene o imposta un valore booleano che indica che è consentito sostituire il paragrafo break quando non è presente un paragrafo di pari livello successivo.... Replace ( new Regex ( @"TEXT1&p" )...spazio dei nomi Aspose.Words.Replacing assemblea Aspose.Words FindReplaceOptions...