I have a document that contains two paragraphs with the same text content: “C5df: sss”.
One of the paragraphs is in shape.
c1diff.docx (14.8 KB)
How do I distinguish which paragraph is in the form?
I was trying with: …... It has been replaced with the .NET version. Paragraph...searchCallback }; document.Range.Replace(pattern, "", searchOptions);...
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::Effects::ColorChange Class......Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor...override Color which will be replaced. Read-only IColorFormat ....
Zoek een tekenreeks of reguliere expressiepatroon in uw document en vervang het door de tekst die u wilt gebruiken C#....volgende: Simple string replacement Beide tekenreeksen mogen...functionaliteit door de Aspose.Words.Replacing naamruimte. U kunt werken...
Class representing image X-Object.... replace(InputStream image) Replaces image onto stream...rename(String name) Renames image and replaces all references to the image...
Найдите строку или шаблон регулярного выражения в вашем документе и замените его текстом, который вы хотите использовать. C#....Replacing пространство имен. Вы можете...можете использовать один из Replace Способы поиска или замены конкретной...
Public Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::Effects::IColorChangeEffectiveData Class Reference abst......Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor...get_FromColor ()=0 Color which will be replaced. Read-only System::Drawing::Color...
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Friends | List of all members Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiAttachm...... void Replace (int32_t index, System::String...System::SharedPtr< MapiMessage > msg) Replaces an element at the specified...
Convertir PDF en Excel, XML en Excel, DOCX en Excel Java. Enregistrer un document dans différents formats vers XLSX en utilisant Java....object to modify the find-and-replace process. FindReplaceOptions...sensitivity while finding strings to replace. // Set the "MatchCase" flag...