Represents a Color Change effect....Instances of FromColor are replaced with instances of ToColor...will be replaced. getToColor() Color which will replace. getEffective()...
Aspose.Words.Replacing.IReplacingCallback interfaz. Implemente esta interfaz si desea que se llame a su propio método personalizado durante una operación de búsqueda y reemplazo....Métodos Nombre Descripción Replacing (ReplacingArgs) Un método...ReplacingCallback = logger ; doc . Range . Replace ( new Regex ( "New York City|NYC"...
aspose.words.replacing.FindReplaceDirection enumeration. Specifies direction for replace operations....enumeration Specifies direction for replace operations. Members Name Description...FORWARD Matched items are replaced from first to last. BACKWARD...
Представляет корневой объект для создания электронной таблицы Excel.... Replace (bool, object) Заменяет значения...значения ячеек новыми данными. Replace (int, object) Заменяет значения...
FindReplaceOptions fast egendom. Den användardefinierade metoden som anropas före varje ersättningsförekomst.... Replace ( new Regex ( "New York City|NYC"...ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback . Replacing ( ReplacingArgs args ) { mLog...
FindReplaceOptions ملكية. الطريقة المعرفة من قبل المستخدم والتي يتم استدعاؤها قبل حدوث كل استبدال.... Replace ( new Regex ( "New York City|NYC"...ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback . Replacing ( ReplacingArgs args ) { mLog...
Public Member Functions | List of all members System::Drawing::Region Class Reference Represents the interior of a gr......Union (const RectangleF &rect) Replaces the region represented by...Union (const Rectangle &rect) Replaces the region represented by...
Public Member Functions | List of all members System::Drawing::Region Class Reference Represents the interior of a gr......Union (const RectangleF &rect) Replaces the region represented by...Union (const Rectangle &rect) Replaces the region represented by...