Sample code for SVG to TIFF conversion using C++. Use C++ example for batch SVG to TIFF object of tiffDevice var renderer = new Aspose . Pdf . the image in TIFF format renderer . Process ( document , "output...
Sample code for SVG to GIF conversion using C++. Use C++ example for batch SVG to GIF object of GifDevice var renderer = new Aspose . Pdf . the image in EMF format renderer . Process ( document . Pages...
PDFA to BMP conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export PDFA to BMP within any Web or Desktop Java based application....object of BmpDevice PngDevice renderer = new BmpDevice (); // convert...particular PDF page to BMP format renderer . process ( document . getPages...
PS to EMF conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export PS to EMF within any Web or Desktop Java based application....object of EmfDevice PngDevice renderer = new EmfDevice (); // convert...particular PDF page to EMF format renderer . process ( document . getPages...
PDFA to PNG conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export PDFA to PNG within any Web or Desktop Java based application....object of PngDevice PngDevice renderer = new PngDevice (); // convert...particular PDF page to PNG format renderer . process ( document . getPages...
MHTML to BMP conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export MHTML to BMP within any Web or Desktop Java based application....object of BmpDevice PngDevice renderer = new BmpDevice (); // convert...particular PDF page to BMP format renderer . process ( document . getPages...
MHT to TXT conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export MHT to TXT within any Web or Desktop Java based object of TextDevice var renderer = new Aspose . Pdf . Devices...Devices . TextDevice (); renderer . Process ( document . Pages [...
Sample code for MHTML to JPEG conversion using C++. Use C++ example for batch MHTML to JPEG conversion....object of JpegDevice auto renderer = MakeObject < Aspose :: the image in JPEG format renderer -> Process ( document -> get_Pages...
PCL to BMP conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export PCL to BMP within any Web or Desktop Java based application....object of BmpDevice PngDevice renderer = new BmpDevice (); // convert...particular PDF page to BMP format renderer . process ( document . getPages...
EPUB to JPEG conversion via Java sample code. Programmers can use this example code to export EPUB to JPEG within any Web or Desktop Java based application....object of JpegDevice PngDevice renderer = new JpegDevice (); // convert...particular PDF page to JPEG format renderer . process ( document . getPages...