CellY WebTile.CellY property The Y-Row of a tile. public abstract int CellY { get ; } See Also class WebTile namespac......Raster.Web assembly Aspose.GIS CellX...
Max RasterStatistics.Max property Maximum value of counted cells or pixel values. public double? Max { get ; } See Al......Raster assembly Aspose.GIS Count Mean...
Count RasterStatistics.Count property Number of cells or pixels counted for the summary statistics. public double? Co......Raster assembly Aspose.GIS Max English...
Dispose RasterLayer.Dispose method Releases the resources used by the RasterLayer . public void Dispose () See Also c......Raster assembly Aspose.GIS Crop GetBand...
AsRawBits IRasterValues.AsRawBits method Get raw bits of all bands values. public BitArray AsRawBits () Return Value ......Raster assembly Aspose.GIS AsLong...
true RasterRect.Y property Gets start row (y-coordinate). public int Y { get ; } See Also class RasterRect namespace ......Raster assembly Aspose.GIS X ToString...