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  1. Aspose::Words::EditableRangeEnd::get_Id method ...

    Aspose::Words::EditableRangeEnd::get_Id method. Specifies the identifier of the editable Range in C++....identifier of the editable range. int32_t Aspose :: Words to work with an editable range. auto doc = MakeObject < Document...
  2. DocumentBuilder.end_editable_range method | Asp...

    aspose.words.DocumentBuilder.end_editable_Range method...end_editable_range method Contents [ Hide ] end_editable_range() an editable range end. def end_editable_range ( self ): ......
  3. Aspose::Cells::UnionRange class | Aspose.Cells ...

    Aspose::Cells::UnionRange class. Represents union Range in C++....UnionRange class Represents union range. class UnionRange Methods Method...for a whole range. Copy(const UnionRange& range, const PasteOptions&...
  4. Delete Named Ranges|Documentation

    You can learn how to remove defined names or named Ranges from Excel or OpenOffice files with Aspose.Cells for .Net ....Svenska Türkçe 日本語 Delete Named Ranges Contents [ Hide ] Introduction...many defined names or named ranges in the Excel files, we have...
  5. Inserting Table|Aspose.Words for .NET

    Insert a table into a document and modify it easily and fast instead of using VSTO in C#.... Range rng = this . Application . ActiveDocument...ActiveDocument . Range ( ref start , ref end ); // Insert a title...
  6. Tables and Ranges|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Svenska Türkçe 日本語 Tables and Ranges Contents [ Hide ] Introduction...convert the table to a regular range of data. Aspose.Cells does support...
  7. EditableRangeStart.node_type property | Aspose....

    EditableRangeStart.node_type property. Returns [NodeType.EDITABLE_Range_START](../../nodetype/#EDITABLE_Range_START)....EDITABLE_RANGE_START . Examples Shows how work with an editable range. doc = aw . Document () doc ....
  8. UnionRange - Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java - AP...

    Explanation of Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java classes, methods & interfaces for you to read, write & convert spreadsheets programmatically....RadioButton RadioButtonActiveXCo Range RangeCollection RectangleShape...UnionRange Represents union range. Property Getters/Setters Summary...
  9. Range.GetOffset | Aspose.Cells for .NET API Ref...

    Range method. Gets Range Range by offset...Range.GetOffset Range.GetOffset method Gets Range range by offset...offset. public Range GetOffset ( int rowOffset , int columnOffset...
  10. Aspose::Cells::Cells::IsDeletingRangeEnabled me...

    Aspose::Cells::Cells::IsDeletingRangeEnabled method. Check whether the Range could be deleted in C++....l method Check whether the range could be deleted. bool Aspose...The start row index of the range. startColumn int32_t The start...