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  1. GetHostEntryAsync | Aspose.Email for .NET API R...

    GetHostEntryAsync DnsQueryExtensions.GetHostEntryAsync method (1 of 2) public static Task < IPHostEntry > GetHostEntr......GetHostEntryAsync ( IDnsQuery query , string hostNameOrAddress )...GetHostEntryAsync ( IDnsQuery query , IPAddress address ) See Also...
  2. Aspose.3D for .NET 19.3 Release Notes|Documenta...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....current node using XPath-like query syntax. /// </summary> /// <param...the path contains malformed query.</exception> /// <returns></returns>...
  3. MailMergeDataType | Aspose.Words for Java

    Specifies the type of an external mail merge data source in Java.... QUERY Specifies that a given source using an external query tool. SPREADSHEET Specifies...
  4. FieldDatabase.Connection | Aspose.Words for .NET

    FieldDatabase Connection property. Gets or sets a connection to the data in C#....This DATABASE field will run a query on a database, and display the..."Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" ; field . Query = "SELECT * FROM [Products]"...
  5. FieldDatabase.InsertHeadings | Aspose.Words for...

    FieldDatabase InsertHeadings property. Gets or sets whether to insert the field names from the database as column headings in the resulting table in C#....This DATABASE field will run a query on a database, and display the..."Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" ; field . Query = "SELECT * FROM [Products]"...
  6. Aspose::Cells::Revisions::RevisionQueryTable cl...

    Aspose::Cells::Revisions::RevisionQueryTable class. Represents a revision of a Query table field change in C++....Represents a revision of a query table field change. class RevisionQueryTable...the location of the affected query table. GetFieldId() Gets ID...
  7. GetSubFolders | Aspose.Email for .NET API Refer...

    GetSubFolders Contents [ Hide ] FolderInfo.GetSubFolders method (1 of 3) Gets collection of subfolders. public Folder......MailQuery query ) Parameter Type Description query MailQuery...MailQuery that represents search query. Return Value The FolderInfo...
  8. LookupClient | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    LookupClient Contents [ Hide ] LookupClient class public class LookupClient : ILookupClient Constructors Name Descrip......Description Query (DnsQuestion, DnsQueryAndServerOpt) Query (string...(string, QueryType, QueryClass) Query (string, QueryType, DnsQueryAndServerOpt...
  9. Graph - it is possible to obtain / print the ra...

    I am successfully using the Graph feature to access user mailbox data (thank you!). But I was wondering if there is any way to obtain the http request and response. The MS GraphAPI Test UI exposes the Rest requests and…...I add my own query parameters not via the Query Builder - or..., new PageInfo(500), “SOME QUERY PARAMETERS”). Similarly, the...
  10. Connection info is getting changed when convert...

    Hi, I am trying to convert the attached XLS file to XLSM using Aspose.Cells. This file is having 1 Query and 1 connection, In the converted file the connection details like Connection String, Description, Command text …... This file is having 1 query and 1 connection, In the converted...details are showing for the query and query details are showing in...