BorderInformationResource Contents [ Hide ] BorderInformationResource class The resource with border information of i......psd" ; using ( var image = ( PsdImage ) Image . Load ( sourceFilePath...
I have the problem that when I open the psd file in photoshop it tells me that “some textlayers need to be updated” . What I am doing is taking the measurements of another layer “#lsak_007#cl” and
having that layer as a…...size = new Size(); PsdImage img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile);...
StringStructure Contents [ Hide ] StringStructure constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the StringStruct......fileName ; using ( PsdImage image = ( PsdImage ) Image . Load (...
GradientOverlayEffect Contents [ Hide ] GradientOverlayEffect class Gradient Layer effect public class GradientOverla......true }; using ( var im = ( PsdImage ) Image . Load ( sourceFileName...after edit using ( var im = ( PsdImage ) Image . Load ( exportPath...
AlignWithLayer IGradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer property Gets or sets a value indicating whether [align with laye......psd" ; var im = ( PsdImage ) Image . Load ( sourceFileName...