DrawBezier Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.DrawBezier method (1 of 3) Draws a Bézier spline defined by four ordered pairs ...... public void DrawBezier ( Penpen , float x1 , float y1 , float...Parameter Type Description penPenPen that determines the color...
Graphics Contents [ Hide ] Graphics class Represents the graphics according to the graphics engine used in the curren...... DrawArc (Pen, Rectangle, float, float) Draws...Rectangle structure. DrawArc (Pen, RectangleF, float, float) Draws...
Returns a value that indicates how the lines drawn by this Pen object are joined....get_LineJoin() Pen::get_LineJoin() const method Returns a value...how the lines drawn by this Pen object are joined. Drawing2D...
DashCap Pen.DashCap property Gets or sets the cap style used at the end of the dashes that make up dashed lines drawn......DashCap Pen.DashCap property Gets or sets the cap style used...dashed lines drawn with this Pen . public DashCap DashCap { get...
CompoundArray Pen.CompoundArray property Gets or sets an array of values that specifies a compound Pen. A compound pe......CompoundArray Pen.CompoundArray property Gets or sets an array...specifies a compound pen. A compound pen draws a compound line...
Opacity Brush.Opacity property Gets or sets the brush opacity. The value should be between 0 and 1. Value of 0 means ......//Draw an Arc by specifying the Pen object having Black color, //a...DrawArc ( new Aspose . Imaging . Pen ( Aspose . Imaging . Color ....
DrawPolyline MetafileRecorderGraphics2D.DrawPolyline method Draws the polyline. public void DrawPolyline ( PenPen , ......public void DrawPolyline ( Penpen , Point [] points ) Parameter...Parameter Type Description penPenPen that determines the color, width...
Sets the ending line cap of the current Pen object....set_EndCap() Pen::set_EndCap(Drawing2D::LineCap) method Sets...the current Pen object. void System :: Drawing :: Pen :: set_EndCap...