IsOutlineVisible GraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible method Indicates whether the specified point is contained within (unde......specified Pen. public bool IsOutlineVisible ( PointF point , Pen pen...the location to test. penPen The Pen to test. Return Value This...
IsOutlineVisible Contents [ Hide ] GraphicsPath.IsOutlineVisible method (1 of 8) Indicates whether the specified poin......when drawn with the specified Pen . public bool IsOutlineVisible...IsOutlineVisible ( float x , float y , Penpen ) Parameter Type Description...
DrawPolygon Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.DrawPolygon method (1 of 2) Draws a polygon defined by an array of PointF stru......public void DrawPolygon ( Penpen , PointF [] points ) Parameter...Parameter Type Description penPenPen that determines the color,...
DrawLine Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.DrawLine method (1 of 4) Draws a line connecting two Point structures. public voi...... public void DrawLine ( Penpen , Point point1 , Point point2...Parameter Type Description penPenPen that determines the color...
Draws the specified ellipse using the specified Pen on the surface represented by the current object....Graphics::DrawEllipse(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, Rectangle) method Draws the...ellipse using the specified pen on the surface represented by...