The IPathBuilder interface is responsible for building path segments SVGPathseg../aspose.svg.Paths/svgPathseg from list of the trace responsible for building path segments SVGPathSeg from list...(IEnumerable<PointF>, SVGPathElement) Builds path segments from the list of the...
VectorPathRecordFactory VectorPathRecordFactory class Vector Path Record Factory Class public class VectorPathRecordF......VectorPathRecordFact class Vector Path Record Factory Class public...ProducePathRecord (byte[]) Produces the path record. See Also namespace Aspose...
Specifies what the origin of the motion path is relative to such as the layout of the slide or the parent. Read/write MotionOriginTypeaspose.slides.animation/motionorigintype....what the origin of the motion path is relative to such as the layout...assembly Aspose.Slides From Path English Русский 简体中文 Français...
CanLoad Contents [ Hide ] Image.CanLoad method (1 of 4) Determines whether image can be loaded from the specified fil......loaded from the specified file path. public static bool CanLoad...Description filePath String The file path. Return Value true if image...
Aspose.Words.Vba.VbaReference class. Implements a reference to an Automation type library or VBA project in C#....]; string path = GetLibIdPath ( reference ); if ( path == brokenPath...Returns string representing LibId path of a specified reference. ///...