A PDF konvertálása RTF-re a C++ alkalmazásokon belül....pdf" , L "owner" ); // change password of PDF Document doc -> ChangePasswords...document protection only works when document protection is turned...
A PDF konvertálása DOT-re a C++ alkalmazásokon belül....pdf" , L "owner" ); // change password of PDF Document doc -> ChangePasswords...document protection only works when document protection is turned...
Konvertera PDF till FLATOPC inom C++-applikationer....pdf" , L "owner" ); // change password of PDF Document doc -> ChangePasswords...document protection only works when document protection is turned...
EditableRangeEnd proprietà. Corrispondente EditableRangeStart ricevuto da ID.... Protect ( ProtectionType . ReadOnly...we have set the document's protection level to read-only," + "...
EditableRange fast egendom. Hämtar noden som representerar slutet av det redigerbara intervallet.... Protect ( ProtectionType . ReadOnly...we have set the document's protection level to read-only," + "...
EditableRange propiedad. Obtiene el nodo que representa el final del rango editable.... Protect ( ProtectionType . ReadOnly...we have set the document's protection level to read-only," + "...
EditableRange ملكية. يحصل على العقدة التي تمثل نهاية النطاق القابل للتحرير.... Protect ( ProtectionType . ReadOnly...we have set the document's protection level to read-only," + "...
EditableRangeStart propiedad. Obtiene el objeto de fachada que encapsula este inicio y fin de rango editable.... Protect ( ProtectionType . ReadOnly...we have set the document's protection level to read-only," + "...
EditableRange fast egendom. Hämtar noden som representerar början av det redigerbara området.... Protect ( ProtectionType . ReadOnly...we have set the document's protection level to read-only," + "...