Result SyntaxValidatingEventArgs.Result property Gets or sets the validation result. public ValidationResult Result {......Result property Gets or sets the validation...
URL O365URLTimeOfClickActivity.URL property URL clicked by the user. Mandatory: Yes public string URL { get ; set ; }......URL property URL clicked by the user. Mandatory:...
SendAsUserMailboxGuid ExchangeMailboxAuditActivity.SendAsUserMailboxGuid property The Exchange GUID of the mailbox th......SendAsUserMailboxGui property The Exchange GUID of the mailbox...
Path ExchangeFolder.Path property The name of the mailbox folder where the message that was accessed is located. publ......Path property The name of the mailbox folder...
DestFolder ExchangeMailboxAuditGroupActivity.DestFolder property The destination folder, for operations such as Move.......DestFolder property The destination folder, for...
DetectionType O365EmailMessageActivity.DetectionType property The type of detection. Mandatory: Yes public DetectionT......DetectionType property The type of detection. Mandatory:...
Created ContentInfo.Created property Gets or sets datetime when the content was made available. public DateTime Creat......Created property Gets or sets datetime when...
SyncState SyncFolderItemsResponseMessageType.SyncState property public string SyncState { get ; set ; } See Also clas......SyncState property public string SyncState {...
IncludesLastItemInRange SyncFolderItemsResponseMessageType.IncludesLastItemInRange property public bool IncludesLastI......IncludesLastItemInRa property public bool IncludesLastItemInRa...