Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Data.GridRowCollection class. Encapsulates a collection of GridRow objects...public class GridRowCollection Properties Name Description Count {...
CdrDictionaryItem CdrDictionaryItem class The cdr dictionary item public class CdrDictionaryItem : CdrObject Construc...... Properties Name Description Disposed...
ImageResizeSettings ImageResizeSettings class Image resize settings class public class ImageResizeSettings Constructo...... Properties Name Description ColorCompareMethod...
EmfRealizePalette EmfRealizePalette class This record maps palette entries from the current LogPalette object (sectio...... Properties Name Description Size { get;...
EmfLogPalette EmfLogPalette class The LogPalette object specifies a logical_palette that contains device-independent ...... Properties Name Description PaletteArgb32Entries...
A browsing context is an environment in which Document./document objects are presented to the user....IDisposable , IServiceProvider Properties Name Description ActiveDocument...
Used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can be animated....SVGAnimatedValue < SVGNumberList > Properties Name Description virtual...
Used for attributes whose value must be a constant from a particular enumeration and which can be animated....SVGAnimatedValue < ushort > Properties Name Description virtual...