FormatProvider FormatProvider class Class providing TeX format. public class FormatProvider : IDisposable Constructor...... Properties Name Description static ObjectLaTeX...
IfcPreDefinedColour IfcPreDefinedColour class IfcPreDefinedColour public abstract class IfcPreDefinedColour : IfcPreD......IfcPreDefinedColour : IfcPreDefinedItem Properties Name Description EntityLabel...
IfcMaterialProperties IfcMaterialProperties class IfcMaterialProperties public abstract class IfcMaterialProperties :......IfcMaterialPropertie : IfcEntity Properties Name Description EntityLabel...
IfcStructuralLoadOrResult IfcStructuralLoadOrResult class IfcStructuralLoadOrResult public abstract class IfcStructur......IfcStructuralLoadOrR : IfcStructuralLoad Properties Name Description EntityLabel...
EmfPlusFillPath EmfPlusFillPath class The EmfPlusFillPath object specifies a graphics path for filling a custom line ...... Properties Name Description FillPath...
WmfCreateFontInDirect WmfCreateFontInDirect class The Create font public class WmfCreateFontInDirect : WmfGraphicObje...... Properties Name Description ExtendedBytes...
WmfSetStretchbltMode WmfSetStretchbltMode class The META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record defines the bitmap stretching mode ...... Properties Name Description Reserved...
OdHatchedBrush OdHatchedBrush class The Hatched brush public class OdHatchedBrush : OdBrush Constructors Name Descrip...... Properties Name Description Argb32Color...
GraphicsOptions GraphicsOptions class Represents graphics options for embedded bitmap. public class GraphicsOptions C...... Properties Name Description InterpolationMode...