ClassificationKeep KnownPropertyList.ClassificationKeep field Indicates whether the message uses any classification c...... Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassification...
VerbResponse KnownPropertyList.VerbResponse field Specifies the voting option that a respondent has selected. Area: G...... Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidVerbResponse...
Email3DisplayName KnownPropertyList.Email3DisplayName field Specifies the user-readable display name for the email ad...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3DisplayN...
CustomData CustomData class Represents container for custom data. The CustomData type exposes the following members: ......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description tags Returns...
IChartSeriesReadonlyCollection IChartSeriesReadonlyCollection class Represents a readonly collection of IChartSeries ......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description as_i_collection...
TagHtml KnownPropertyList.TagHtml field Contains message body text in HTML format. Area: General Message Properties C...... Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagHtml...
MessageRecipients KnownPropertyList.MessageRecipients field Identifies all of the recipients of the current message. ...... Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageRecipie...
ObjFace ObjFace class The OBJ face. public class ObjFace Constructors Name Description ObjFace () The default constru...... Properties Name Description VertexTextureNormals...