Fax2OriginalEntryId KnownPropertyList.Fax2OriginalEntryId field Specifies a one-off EntryID corresponding to this fax...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2OriginalEn...
ICustomData ICustomData class Represents container for custom data. The ICustomData type exposes the following member......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description tags Returns...
DgnSplineWeightFactorElement DgnSplineWeightFactorElement class Represents spline weight factor element public class ......DgnSplineWeightFacto : DgnKnotWeightElement Properties Name Description Metadata...
Abstract base class of investment transactionnot buy/sell related classes....AbstractInvestmentTr : AbstractInvestmentTr Properties Name Description InvestmentTransactio...
MessageFlags KnownPropertyList.MessageFlags field Specifies the status of the Message object. Area: General Message P...... Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageFlags...
WmfUntyped WmfUntyped class The wmf untyped object public class WmfUntyped : WmfObject Constructors Name Description ...... Properties Name Description Parameters...