WorkAddressCountry KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressCountry field Specifies the country or region portion of the work add...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCou...
WorkAddressState KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressState field Specifies the state or province portion of the work address...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressSta...
ExtraColorScheme ExtraColorScheme class Represents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide. The E......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description name Returns...
ReminderAttendee ReminderAttendee class Defines an “Attendee” within a alarm. public class ReminderAttendee Construct...... Properties Name Description Address...
IConnection IConnection interface IConnectionAdapter allows to manage connection to a server. public interface IConne......IConnection : IDisposable Properties Name Description ConnectionId...