iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns...iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns
setPoints setPoints( PointCollection value) method Specifies the points of the animation. Read/write IPointCollection......setPoints setPoints( PointCollection value) method Specifies the points of the animation. Read/write IPointCollection...
setLinkPathLong setLinkPathLong(String value) method Returns or sets the name of an video file which is linked to a V......setLinkPathLong setLinkPathLong(String value) method Returns or sets the name of an video file which is linked to a V...
getPlayLoopMode getPlayLoopMode() method Determines whether a video is looped. Read/write boolean. Returns boolean...getPlayLoopMode getPlayLoopMode() method Determines whether a video is looped. Read/write boolean. Returns boolean
setKeepTextFlat setKeepTextFlat(boolean value) method Gets or sets keeping text flat even if a 3-D Rotation effect wa......setKeepTextFlat setKeepTextFlat(boolean value) method Gets or sets keeping text flat even if a 3-D Rotation effect wa...
setMarginRight setMarginRight(double value) method Returns or sets the right margin (points) in a TextFrame. Read/wri......setMarginRight setMarginRight(double value) method Returns or sets the right margin (points) in a TextFrame. Read/wri...
setTextVerticalType setTextVerticalType(byte value) method Determines text orientation. The resulted value of visual ......setTextVerticalType setTextVerticalType(byte value) method Determines text orientation. The resulted value of visual ...
getLightRig getLightRig() method Returns or sets the type of a light. Read-only ILightRig. Returns LightRig...getLightRig getLightRig() method Returns or sets the type of a light. Read-only ILightRig. Returns LightRig
getEmbeddedVideo getEmbeddedVideo() method Returns or sets embedded video object. Read/write IVideo. Returns Video...getEmbeddedVideo getEmbeddedVideo() method Returns or sets embedded video object. Read/write IVideo. Returns Video
setTrimFromEnd setTrimFromEnd(float value) method Trim end [ms] Returns void...setTrimFromEnd setTrimFromEnd(float value) method Trim end [ms] Returns void