getInvertIfNegative getInvertIfNegative() method Specifies the bar, column or bubble series shall invert its colors i......getInvertIfNegative getInvertIfNegative() method Specifies the bar, column or bubble series shall invert its colors i...
getBubbleSizeScale getBubbleSizeScale() method Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and ......getBubbleSizeScale getBubbleSizeScale() method Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and ...
getBubbleSizeRepresentation getBubbleSizeRepresentation() method Specifies how the bubble size values are represented......getBubbleSizeRepresentation getBubbleSizeRepresentation() method Specifies how the bubble size values are represented...
getDoughnutHoleSize getDoughnutHoleSize() method Specifies the size of the hole in a doughnut chart (can be between 1......getDoughnutHoleSize getDoughnutHoleSize() method Specifies the size of the hole in a doughnut chart (can be between 1...
setSmooth setSmooth(boolean value) method Represents curve smoothing. True if curve smoothing is turned on for the li......setSmooth setSmooth(boolean value) method Represents curve smoothing. True if curve smoothing is turned on for the li...
setPlotOnSecondAxis setPlotOnSecondAxis(boolean value) method Indicates if this series is plotted on secondary axis. ......setPlotOnSecondAxis setPlotOnSecondAxis(boolean value) method Indicates if this series is plotted on secondary axis. ...
getPieSplitBy getPieSplitBy() method Specifies how to determine which data points are in the second pie or bar on a p......getPieSplitBy getPieSplitBy() method Specifies how to determine which data points are in the second pie or bar on a p...
getPieSplitPosition getPieSplitPosition() method Specifies a value that shall be used to determine which data points ......getPieSplitPosition getPieSplitPosition() method Specifies a value that shall be used to determine which data points ...