Storage Storage class Represents a temporary data storage for WebDocument. Storage Name Description Storage() Result:......Storage Storage class Represents a temporary data storage for WebDocument. Storage Name Description Storage() Result:...
TextExtractionArrangingMode TextExtractionArrangingMode class Represents the mode to use during text extraction Const......TextExtractionArrangingMode TextExtractionArrangingMode class Represents the mode to use during text extraction Const...
FilterEffectType FilterEffectType class Represents filter effect types. Constants Name Value Description None 0 Barn ......FilterEffectType FilterEffectType class Represents filter effect types. Constants Name Value Description None 0 Barn ...
Fonts Fonts class Fonts collection. getComplexScriptFont Name Description getComplexScriptFont () Returns or sets the......Fonts Fonts class Fonts collection. getComplexScriptFont Name Description getComplexScriptFont () Returns or sets the...
FontSubstRule FontSubstRule class Represents font subtituition information FontSubstRule Name Description FontSubstRu......FontSubstRule FontSubstRule class Represents font subtituition information FontSubstRule Name Description FontSubstRu...
PdfTextCompression PdfTextCompression class Constants which define the type of a compression applied to all content i......PdfTextCompression PdfTextCompression class Constants which define the type of a compression applied to all content i...
MotionPathEditMode MotionPathEditMode class Specifies how the motion path moves when the target shape is moved Consta......MotionPathEditMode MotionPathEditMode class Specifies how the motion path moves when the target shape is moved Consta...
ViewType ViewType class Presentation view types Constants Name Value Description NotDefined 0 Value is not defined Sl......ViewType ViewType class Presentation view types Constants Name Value Description NotDefined 0 Value is not defined Sl...
VideoPlayModePreset VideoPlayModePreset class Constants which define how a video is played. Constants Name Value Desc......VideoPlayModePreset VideoPlayModePreset class Constants which define how a video is played. Constants Name Value Desc...
AfterAnimationType AfterAnimationType class Represents the after animation type of an animation effect. Constants Nam......AfterAnimationType AfterAnimationType class Represents the after animation type of an animation effect. Constants Nam...