getTriggerShape getTriggerShape() method Returns or sets shape target for INTERACTIVE sequence. If sequence is not in......getTriggerShape getTriggerShape() method Returns or sets shape target for INTERACTIVE sequence. If sequence is not in...
iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns...iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns
switchRowColumn switchRowColumn() method Swap the data over the axis. Data being charted on the X axis will move to t......switchRowColumn switchRowColumn() method Swap the data over the axis. Data being charted on the X axis will move to t...
setType setType(int value) method Returns a type of this series. Read/write ChartType. Returns void...setType setType(int value) method Returns a type of this series. Read/write ChartType. Returns void
getUpDownBars getUpDownBars() method Provede access to up/down bars of Line- or Stock-chart. Read-only IUpDownBarsMan......getUpDownBars getUpDownBars() method Provede access to up/down bars of Line- or Stock-chart. Read-only IUpDownBarsMan...
getAutomaticSeriesColor getAutomaticSeriesColor() method Returns an automatic color of series based on series index a......getAutomaticSeriesColor getAutomaticSeriesColor() method Returns an automatic color of series based on series index a...
getShowOutlierPoints getShowOutlierPoints() method Represents outlier points. True if outlier points are shown on the......getShowOutlierPoints getShowOutlierPoints() method Represents outlier points. True if outlier points are shown on the...