isAutomaticMinorUnit isAutomaticMinorUnit() method Indicates whether the minor unit of the axis is automatically assi......isAutomaticMinorUnit isAutomaticMinorUnit() method Indicates whether the minor unit of the axis is automatically assi...
getActualMinorUnit getActualMinorUnit() method Specifies actual minor unit of the axis. Call method IChart.ValidateCh......getActualMinorUnit getActualMinorUnit() method Specifies actual minor unit of the axis. Call method IChart.ValidateCh...
getMajorTickMark getMajorTickMark() method Represents the type of major tick mark for the specified axis. Read/write ......getMajorTickMark getMajorTickMark() method Represents the type of major tick mark for the specified axis. Read/write ...
getCrossType getCrossType() method Represents the CrossType on the specified axis where the other axis crosses. Read/......getCrossType getCrossType() method Represents the CrossType on the specified axis where the other axis crosses. Read/...
getCategoryAxisType getCategoryAxisType() method Specifies the type of the category axis. Read/write CategoryAxisType......getCategoryAxisType getCategoryAxisType() method Specifies the type of the category axis. Read/write CategoryAxisType...
isAutomaticMajorUnit isAutomaticMajorUnit() method Indicates whether the major unit of the axis is automatically assi......isAutomaticMajorUnit isAutomaticMajorUnit() method Indicates whether the major unit of the axis is automatically assi...
isLogarithmic isLogarithmic() method Represents if the value axis scale type is logarithmic or not. Read/write boolea......isLogarithmic isLogarithmic() method Represents if the value axis scale type is logarithmic or not. Read/write boolea...
getShowMinorGridLines getShowMinorGridLines() method To hide minor gridline set MinorGridLinesFormat.Line.FillFormat.......getShowMinorGridLines getShowMinorGridLines() method To hide minor gridline set MinorGridLinesFormat.Line.FillFormat....