getRowGap getRowGap() method The value of vertical spacing between rows of a matrix; If the RowGapRule is set to 3 (“......getRowGap getRowGap() method The value of vertical spacing between rows of a matrix; If the RowGapRule is set to 3 (“...
getNoBreak getNoBreak() method No break This property specifies the “unbreakable” property on the object box. When tr......getNoBreak getNoBreak() method No break This property specifies the “unbreakable” property on the object box. When tr...
setExplicitBreak setExplicitBreak(byte value) method Explicit break specifies whether there is a line break at the st......setExplicitBreak setExplicitBreak(byte value) method Explicit break specifies whether there is a line break at the st...
getDefaultTabSize getDefaultTabSize() method Returns or sets default tabulation size with no inheritance. Read/write ......getDefaultTabSize getDefaultTabSize() method Returns or sets default tabulation size with no inheritance. Read/write ...
getEastAsianLineBreak getEastAsianLineBreak() method Determines whether the East Asian line break is used in a paragr......getEastAsianLineBreak getEastAsianLineBreak() method Determines whether the East Asian line break is used in a paragr...
getMinColumnWidth getMinColumnWidth() method Minimum column width in twips (1/20th of a point) The gap spacing (also ......getMinColumnWidth getMinColumnWidth() method Minimum column width in twips (1/20th of a point) The gap spacing (also ...
setMarginRight setMarginRight(float value) method Returns or sets the right margin in a paragraph with no inheritance......setMarginRight setMarginRight(float value) method Returns or sets the right margin in a paragraph with no inheritance...
setGroupingLocked setGroupingLocked(boolean value) method Determines whether adding this shape to a group is forbidde......setGroupingLocked setGroupingLocked(boolean value) method Determines whether adding this shape to a group is forbidde...
getHideBottom getHideBottom() method Hide Bottom Edge (default is false) - specifies the hidden or shown state of the......getHideBottom getHideBottom() method Hide Bottom Edge (default is false) - specifies the hidden or shown state of the...