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  1. customxmlschemacollection - Aspose.Words for Ja...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using");...indexOf(""));...
  2. Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlSchemaCollectio...

    A collection of strings that represent XML schemas that are associated with a custom XML"...""...
  3. Supported Document Formats|Aspose.Words for Pyt...

    Edit source documents in many popular formats, as well as freely convert files from one format to another using Python....Word 6 or Word 95 format DOCX Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document...Document (macro-free) DOCM Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled...
  4. Supported Document Formats|Aspose.Words for Java

    Edit source documents in many popular formats, as well as freely convert files from one format to another using Java....Word 6 or Word 95 format DOCX Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document...Document (macro-free) DOCM Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled...
  5. Getting List of Messages from Inbox Folder of M...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....below show how to use Microsoft Office Interop to get a list of messages...Using Microsoft Office Interop To use Office Automation objects...
  6. IBehaviorProperty | Aspose.Sildes for Python vi...

    IBehaviorProperty IBehaviorProperty class Represent property types for animation behavior. Follows the list of and The IBehaviorProperty...
  7. Aspose.Email .NET for VSTO|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....or Visual Studio Tools for Office, or Microsoft Visual Studio...write code connecting Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Outlook applications...
  8. Aspose::Words::SaveFormat enum | Aspose.Words f...

    Aspose::Words::SaveFormat enum. Indicates the format in which the document is saved in C++....20 Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document...21 Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled...
  9. Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactProfessionalPro...

    Public Member Functions | Friends | List of all members Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet Class......const Gets the location of the office that the contact works in More...value) Sets the location of the office that the contact works in More...
  10. Aspose::Words::LoadFormat enum | Aspose.Words f...

    Aspose::Words::LoadFormat enum. Indicates the format of the document that is to be loaded in C++.... Docx 20 Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document...Document (macro-free). Docm 21 Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled...