DisplayAsIcon OleObject.DisplayAsIcon property Gets or sets a flag indicating that Ole object should be shown either ......sets a flag indicating that OLE object should be shown either...
PowerPoint animation, PowerPoint slide animation with Aspose.Slides....effects on shapes, charts, tables, OLE Objects and other presentation...slide including text, pictures, OLE Object, table etc is considered...
IVbaReferenceOleTwiddledTypeLib IVbaReferenceOleTwiddledTypeLib class Represents modified Ole Automation type library......IVbaReferenceOleTwid class Represents modified OLE Automation type library reference...
Aspose::Cells::Drawing::OleObject::GetLabel method. Gets and sets the display label of the linked Ole object in C++....display label of the linked ole object. U16String Aspose :: Cells...
Aspose::Cells::Drawing::ActiveXControls::ActiveXControlBase::GetBackOleColor method. Gets and sets the Ole color of the background in C++....or method Gets and sets the ole color of the background. int32_t...