Returns the minimal font size, for which kerning should be switched on. std::Numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() means value is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read float.... std::numeric_limits ::quiet_NaN() means...
Sets the minimal font size, for which kerning should be switched on. std::Numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() means value is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Write float.... std::numeric_limits ::quiet_NaN() means...
Creare documenti di output con vari layout, a seconda dei parametri specificati nel Documento utilizzando Java....utilizza Kerning, Numeral Shaping, Numeral Forms, o Ligatures...
FieldOptions propiedad. Permite controlar cómo se formatea el resultado del campo.... Numeric )); // 2 - Fecha/hora: builder...FormatInvocation ( FormatInvocationType . Numeric , value , format , newValue...
FieldOptions ResultFormatter fast egendom. Gör det möjligt att styra hur fältresultatet formateras i C#.... Numeric )); // 2 - Datum/tid: builder...FormatInvocation ( FormatInvocationType . Numeric , value , format , newValue...
IFieldResultFormatter FormatNumeric طريقة. يتم استدعاؤه عندما يقوم Aspose.Words بتطبيق مفتاح تنسيق رقمي على سبيل المثال في C#.... Numeric )); // 2 - التاريخ/الوقت: builder...FormatInvocation ( FormatInvocationType . Numeric , value , format , newValue...