Detailed explanation & examples of classes & methods from Aspose.Words for C++ library. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using C++....Provides typed access to field's numeric, date and time, and general...
2.0 Excel File Format Soluton for End Users & Developers – Manage Excel File Metadata via .NET C# content in Manage worksheet and can span numeric values, text data, formulas...
Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the SaveFormat.TEXT format in Java....labels are written in simple numeric format and itemized list labels...labels are written in simple numeric format and itemized list labels...
Represents the page setup properties of a section....get_LineNumberCountBy () Returns or sets the numeric increment for line numbers...y ( ) Returns or sets the numeric increment for line numbers...
2.0 Excel File Format Soluton for End Users & Developers – Create Excel Files via Java content in Create Excel worksheet and can span numeric values, text data, formulas...
This article is a quick guide to creating functional, reader-friendly, visually apealing and professional tables in LaTeX....fine for very short text, or numeric column headings, it looks cumbersome...understanding the content. Align numerical data at the decimal point:...