General information about the PDF417 barcode family...allows encoding textual data, numerical digits, files, and streams...with values from 0 to 127 Numeric compaction mode: efficient...
Aspose::Cells::EbookLoadOptions class. Represents options when importing an ebook file in C++....text file is converted to numeric data. GetDefaultStyleSetti()...text file is converted to numeric data. SetDeleteRedundantSp(bool...
Aspose.Barcode for SharePoint API allows customize, generate and recognize Code 93 barcodes in your C# application...including uppercase letters (A-Z), numeric digits (0-9), and a wide range...
Scan STANDARD2OF5 symbology barcode images using Python applications without using any other software....2 of 5 barcodes can encode numeric data only, and are limited...
C# source code to edit or view XLS format metadata on .NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono or Xamarin worksheet and can span numeric values, text data, formulas...
Sample code for BMP to XLS C# conversion. Use API example code for batch BMP files to XLS conversion within VB.NET, Asp.NET or any .NET based worksheet and can span numeric values, text data, formulas...
Python Sample code for generating XLS documents. Use this code for creating MS Excel XLS files within Python worksheet and can span numeric values, text data, formulas...
Repair a corrupt xls file using Java. Recovery tool to repair corrupted xls file within Java worksheet and can span numeric values, text data, formulas...