Creates a new Note tag with YellowCheckMark icon and specified label....CreateYellowCheckMar method Creates a new note tag with YellowCheckMark icon...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateTwoPeople CreateYellowCircle...
Creates a new Note tag with PresentationSlide icon and specified label....CreatePresentationSl method Creates a new note tag with PresentationSlide icon...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreatePlane CreatePushpin...
Creates a new Note tag with OrangeSquare icon and specified label....CreateOrangeSquare method Creates a new note tag with OrangeSquare icon and...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateOpenEnvelope...
Creates a new Note tag with YellowKey icon and specified label....CreateYellowKey method Creates a new note tag with YellowKey icon and...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateYellowEightPoi...
Creates a new Note tag with GreenDownArrow icon and specified label....CreateGreenDownArrow method Creates a new note tag with GreenDownArrow icon...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateGreenCircle3...
Creates a new Note tag with GreenUpArrow icon and specified label....CreateGreenUpArrow method Creates a new note tag with GreenUpArrow icon and...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateGreenUmbrella...
Creates a new Note tag with Laptop icon and specified label....CreateLaptop method Creates a new note tag with Laptop icon and specified...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateInstantMessagi...
Creates a new Note tag with PersonWithExclamationMark icon and specified label....CreatePersonWithExcl method Creates a new note tag with PersonWithExclamatio...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreatePen CreatePinkSquare...
Creates a new Note tag with YellowCircle1 icon and specified label....CreateYellowCircle1 method Creates a new note tag with YellowCircle1 icon...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateYellowCircle...
Creates a new Note tag with OpenEnvelope icon and specified label....CreateOpenEnvelope method Creates a new note tag with OpenEnvelope icon and...namespace Aspose.Note assembly Aspose.Note CreateOpenBook CreateOrangeSquare...