setInvertIfNegative setInvertIfNegative(boolean value) function Specifies the bar, column or bubble series shall inve......setInvertIfNegative setInvertIfNegative(boolean value) function Specifies the bar, column or bubble series shall inve...
getName getName() function Gets or sets the name of this control. Read/write String. Result String...getName getName() function Gets or sets the name of this control. Read/write String. Result String
setTo setTo( ColorFormat value) function Describes resulting color for the animation color change. Read/write IColorF......setTo setTo( ColorFormat value) function Describes resulting color for the animation color change. Read/write IColorF...
getBy getBy() function Describes the relative offset value for the color animation. Read/write IColorOffset. Result C......getBy getBy() function Describes the relative offset value for the color animation. Read/write IColorOffset. Result C...
setBy setBy( ColorOffset value) function Describes the relative offset value for the color animation. Read/write ICol......setBy setBy( ColorOffset value) function Describes the relative offset value for the color animation. Read/write ICol...
getFirstSliceAngle getFirstSliceAngle() function Specifies the angle of the first pie or doughnut chart slice, in deg......getFirstSliceAngle getFirstSliceAngle() function Specifies the angle of the first pie or doughnut chart slice, in deg...
getBubbleSizeScale getBubbleSizeScale() function Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 an......getBubbleSizeScale getBubbleSizeScale() function Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 an...
getInvertedSolidFillColor getInvertedSolidFillColor() function Specifies invert solid color for series. To apply colo......getInvertedSolidFillColor getInvertedSolidFillColor() function Specifies invert solid color for series. To apply colo...
setShowMeanLine setShowMeanLine(boolean value) function Represents mean line. True if mean line are shown on the BoxA......setShowMeanLine setShowMeanLine(boolean value) function Represents mean line. True if mean line are shown on the BoxA...
setBar3DShape setBar3DShape(int value) function Specifies the shape of a series of a 3-D bar chart. Changing of value......setBar3DShape setBar3DShape(int value) function Specifies the shape of a series of a 3-D bar chart. Changing of value...