copyTo copyTo(com.aspose.slides.IBehavior[] array, int arrayIndex) function Copies the elements of the IGenericCollec......copyTo copyTo(com.aspose.slides.IBehavior[] array, int arrayIndex) function Copies the elements of the IGenericCollec...
addAudioFrameLinked addAudioFrameLinked(float x, float y, float width, float height, String fname) function Adds a ne......addAudioFrameLinked addAudioFrameLinked(float x, float y, float width, float height, String fname) function Adds a ne...
addDataPointForRadarSeries addDataPointForRadarSeries( ChartDataCell value) function Creates the new data point and a......addDataPointForRadarSeries addDataPointForRadarSeries( ChartDataCell value) function Creates the new data point and a...
size size() function Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only int. Result int...size size() function Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only int. Result int
addAlphaCeilingEffect addAlphaCeilingEffect() function Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection. ......addAlphaCeilingEffect addAlphaCeilingEffect() function Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection. ...
enclose enclose(char beginningCharacter, char endingCharacter) function Encloses child elements of this block in spec......enclose enclose(char beginningCharacter, char endingCharacter) function Encloses child elements of this block in spec...
joinBlock joinBlock( MathBlock other) function Joins another mathematical block with this one Parameters Name Type De......joinBlock joinBlock( MathBlock other) function Joins another mathematical block with this one Parameters Name Type De...
toMathArray toMathArray() function Puts child elements in a vertical array Result MathArray...toMathArray toMathArray() function Puts child elements in a vertical array Result MathArray
iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result...iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result
getPresentation getPresentation() function Returns the parent presentation of a slide. Read-only IPresentation. Resul......getPresentation getPresentation() function Returns the parent presentation of a slide. Read-only IPresentation. Resul...