size size() function Returns a number of video files in the collection. Read-only int. Result int...size size() function Returns a number of video files in the collection. Read-only int. Result int
isSynchronized isSynchronized() function Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized ......isSynchronized isSynchronized() function Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized ...
setSeriesLines setSeriesLines(boolean value) function True if chart has series lines. Applied to stacked bar and OfPi......setSeriesLines setSeriesLines(boolean value) function True if chart has series lines. Applied to stacked bar and OfPi...
getGapDepth getGapDepth() function Returns or sets the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the dat......getGapDepth getGapDepth() function Returns or sets the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the dat...
setBubbleSizeRepresentation setBubbleSizeRepresentation(int value) function Specifies how the bubble size values are ......setBubbleSizeRepresentation setBubbleSizeRepresentation(int value) function Specifies how the bubble size values are ...
setOverlap setOverlap(byte value) function Specifies how much bars and columns shall overlap on 2-D charts (from -100......setOverlap setOverlap(byte value) function Specifies how much bars and columns shall overlap on 2-D charts (from -100...
getChart getChart() function Returns the parent chart. Read-only IChart. Result Chart...getChart getChart() function Returns the parent chart. Read-only IChart. Result Chart
getGapDepth getGapDepth() function Returns or sets the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the dat......getGapDepth getGapDepth() function Returns or sets the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the dat...
getAutomaticSeriesColor getAutomaticSeriesColor() function Returns an automatic color of series based on series index......getAutomaticSeriesColor getAutomaticSeriesColor() function Returns an automatic color of series based on series index...