ExternalResourceResolver ExternalResourceResolver() function Result ExternalResourceResolver...ExternalResourceResolver ExternalResourceResolver() function Result ExternalResourceResolver
getValue2 getValue2() function Defines third value of offset. Read/write float. Result float...getValue2 getValue2() function Defines third value of offset. Read/write float. Result float
getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective Bi-Level effect data with the inheritance applied. Result BiLevel......getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective Bi-Level effect data with the inheritance applied. Result BiLevel...
getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect data with the inheritance applied......getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect data with the inheritance applied...
getDirection getDirection() function Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Result int...getDirection getDirection() function Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Result int
hasBounce hasBounce() function Specifies that the movement of the presentation slides during the transition includes ......hasBounce hasBounce() function Specifies that the movement of the presentation slides during the transition includes ...
getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Read-o......getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Read-o...
isSynchronized isSynchronized() function Returns a value indicating whether access to the ArrayList is synchronized (......isSynchronized isSynchronized() function Returns a value indicating whether access to the ArrayList is synchronized (...
getMemoryFonts getMemoryFonts() function A collection of fonts represented as byte arrays. Result byte...getMemoryFonts getMemoryFonts() function A collection of fonts represented as byte arrays. Result byte