MathFractionFactory MathFractionFactory() function Result MathFractionFactory...MathFractionFactory MathFractionFactory() function Result MathFractionFactory
setValueType setValueType(int value) function Represents possible ways to determine the length of the error bars. In ......setValueType setValueType(int value) function Represents possible ways to determine the length of the error bars. In ...
setValue setValue(float value) function Gets or sets value which is used with Fixed, Percentage and StandardDeviation......setValue setValue(float value) function Gets or sets value which is used with Fixed, Percentage and StandardDeviation...
setFormat setFormat( Format value) function Represents the format of the error bars. Read/write IFormat....setFormat setFormat( Format value) function Represents the format of the error bars. Read/write IFormat.
getTileFlip getTileFlip() function Returns or sets the flipping mode for a gradient. Read/write TileFlip. Result int...getTileFlip getTileFlip() function Returns or sets the flipping mode for a gradient. Read/write TileFlip. Result int
getGradientDirection getGradientDirection() function Returns or sets the style of a gradient. Read/write GradientDire......getGradientDirection getGradientDirection() function Returns or sets the style of a gradient. Read/write GradientDire...
setGradientShape setGradientShape(byte value) function Returns or sets the shape of a gradient. Read/write GradientSh......setGradientShape setGradientShape(byte value) function Returns or sets the shape of a gradient. Read/write GradientSh...
getSlide getSlide() function Returns the parent slide of a picture. Read-only IBaseSlide. Result LayoutSlide , NotesS......getSlide getSlide() function Returns the parent slide of a picture. Read-only IBaseSlide. Result LayoutSlide , NotesS...
equals equals(Object obj) function Determines whether the specified PresetShadow is equal to the current PresetShadow......equals equals(Object obj) function Determines whether the specified PresetShadow is equal to the current PresetShadow...