hashCode hashCode() function Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Result int...hashCode hashCode() function Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Result int
createOuterShadow createOuterShadow() function Creates Outer shadow effect. Result OuterShadow...createOuterShadow createOuterShadow() function Creates Outer shadow effect. Result OuterShadow
equals equals(Object obj) function Determines whether the specified AlphaCeiling is equal to the current AlphaCeiling......equals equals(Object obj) function Determines whether the specified AlphaCeiling is equal to the current AlphaCeiling...
getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective Alpha Ceiling effect data with the inheritance applied. Result Al......getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective Alpha Ceiling effect data with the inheritance applied. Result Al...
setDirection setDirection(int value) function Direction of a transition effect. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType....setDirection setDirection(int value) function Direction of a transition effect. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType.
setReveal setReveal(int value) function Represents that effect with behavior must reveal (in/out) Read/write FilterEf......setReveal setReveal(int value) function Represents that effect with behavior must reveal (in/out) Read/write FilterEf...
getType getType() function Represents type of filter effect. Read/write FilterEffectType. Result int...getType getType() function Represents type of filter effect. Read/write FilterEffectType. Result int
getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object...getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object