getBy getBy() function describes the relative offset value for the animation (in percents). Read/write java.awt.geom.......getBy getBy() function describes the relative offset value for the animation (in percents). Read/write java.awt.geom....
setRepeatCount setRepeatCount(float value) function Describes the number of times the effect should repeat. Read/writ......setRepeatCount setRepeatCount(float value) function Describes the number of times the effect should repeat. Read/writ...
getNameByIndex getNameByIndex(int index) function Returns key of a tag at the specified index. Parameters Name Type D......getNameByIndex getNameByIndex(int index) function Returns key of a tag at the specified index. Parameters Name Type D...
insertClone insertClone(int index, Row templ, boolean withAttachedRows) function Creates a copy of the specified temp......insertClone insertClone(int index, Row templ, boolean withAttachedRows) function Creates a copy of the specified temp...
getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object...getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object
getSlide getSlide() function Returns the parent slide of a TextFrame. Read-only IBaseSlide. Result LayoutSlide , Note......getSlide getSlide() function Returns the parent slide of a TextFrame. Read-only IBaseSlide. Result LayoutSlide , Note...
getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object...getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object
add add(double position, int align) function Adds a Tab to the collection. Result Tab add( Tab value) function Adds a......add add(double position, int align) function Adds a Tab to the collection. Result Tab add( Tab value) function Adds a...