removeAt removeAt(int index) function Removes the element at the specified index of the collection. Parameters Name T......removeAt removeAt(int index) function Removes the element at the specified index of the collection. Parameters Name T...
contains contains( Paragraph item) function Determines whether the IGenericCollection contains a specific value. Para......contains contains( Paragraph item) function Determines whether the IGenericCollection contains a specific value. Para...
iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result...iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result
getDisplayBlanksAs getDisplayBlanksAs() function Returns or sets the way to plot blank cells on a chart. Read/write D......getDisplayBlanksAs getDisplayBlanksAs() function Returns or sets the way to plot blank cells on a chart. Read/write D...
getSideWall getSideWall() function Returns an object which allows to change format of the side wall of a 3D chart. Re......getSideWall getSideWall() function Returns an object which allows to change format of the side wall of a 3D chart. Re...
setRoundedCorners setRoundedCorners(boolean value) function Specifies the chart area shall have rounded corners. Read......setRoundedCorners setRoundedCorners(boolean value) function Specifies the chart area shall have rounded corners. Read...
getUseSecondaryCategories getUseSecondaryCategories() function If false then #getSecondaryCategories property return ......getUseSecondaryCategories getUseSecondaryCategories() function If false then #getSecondaryCategories property return ...
readWorkbookStream readWorkbookStream() function Writes the internally contained Excel workbook it into an in-memory ......readWorkbookStream readWorkbookStream() function Writes the internally contained Excel workbook it into an in-memory ...
getDateTime getDateTime() function Current date and time in default date time format for the rendering application. R......getDateTime getDateTime() function Current date and time in default date time format for the rendering application. R...