MathParagraphFactory MathParagraphFactory class Allows to create a math paragraph For COM comparibility MathParagraph......MathParagraphFactory MathParagraphFactory class Allows to create a math paragraph For COM comparibility MathParagraph...
PptCorruptFileException PptCorruptFileException class Exception which thrown when presentation file is probably corru......PptCorruptFileException PptCorruptFileException class Exception which thrown when presentation file is probably corru...
PptxUnsupportedFormatException PptxUnsupportedFormatException class Exception which thrown when presentation file for......PptxUnsupportedFormatException PptxUnsupportedFormatException class Exception which thrown when presentation file for...
ColorType ColorType class Represents different color modes. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined -1 Color is n......ColorType ColorType class Represents different color modes. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined -1 Color is n...
BulletType BulletType class Represents the type of the extended bullets. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined ......BulletType BulletType class Represents the type of the extended bullets. Constants Name Value Description NotDefined ...
FontCollectionIndex FontCollectionIndex class Represents font’s index in a collection. Constants Name Value Descripti......FontCollectionIndex FontCollectionIndex class Represents font’s index in a collection. Constants Name Value Descripti...
NotesSlideHeaderFooterManager NotesSlideHeaderFooterManager class Represents manager which holds behavior of the note......NotesSlideHeaderFooterManager NotesSlideHeaderFooterManager class Represents manager which holds behavior of the note...
FilterEffectSubtype FilterEffectSubtype class Represents filter effect subtypes. Constants Name Value Description Non......FilterEffectSubtype FilterEffectSubtype class Represents filter effect subtypes. Constants Name Value Description Non...
FontScheme FontScheme class Stores theme-defined fonts. getMajor Name Description getMajor () Returns the fonts colle......FontScheme FontScheme class Stores theme-defined fonts. getMajor Name Description getMajor () Returns the fonts colle...