setDpiY setDpiY(long value) function Specifies the vertical resolution in dots per inch. Read/write long....setDpiY setDpiY(long value) function Specifies the vertical resolution in dots per inch. Read/write long.
getFillFormat getFillFormat() function Returns the FillFormat object that contains fill formatting properties for a s......getFillFormat getFillFormat() function Returns the FillFormat object that contains fill formatting properties for a s...
getAllNodes getAllNodes() function Returns collections of all nodes in the SmartArt object. Read-only ISmartArtNodeCo......getAllNodes getAllNodes() function Returns collections of all nodes in the SmartArt object. Read-only ISmartArtNodeCo...
getQuickStyle getQuickStyle() function Returns or sets quick style of SmartArt object. Read/write SmartArtQuickStyleT......getQuickStyle getQuickStyle() function Returns or sets quick style of SmartArt object. Read/write SmartArtQuickStyleT...
getShapes getShapes() function Returns collections of all shapes associated with the node. Read-only ISmartArtShapeCo......getShapes getShapes() function Returns collections of all shapes associated with the node. Read-only ISmartArtShapeCo...
getChildNodes getChildNodes() function Returns collections of all child nodes of the current node. Read-only ISmartAr......getChildNodes getChildNodes() function Returns collections of all child nodes of the current node. Read-only ISmartAr...
isHidden isHidden() function Returns true if this node is a hidden node in the data model. Read-only boolean. Result ......isHidden isHidden() function Returns true if this node is a hidden node in the data model. Read-only boolean. Result ...
setColumnAlignment setColumnAlignment(int columnIndex, int val) function Set the horizontal alignment of the specifie......setColumnAlignment setColumnAlignment(int columnIndex, int val) function Set the horizontal alignment of the specifie...
setColumnsAlignment setColumnsAlignment(int columnIndex, long columnsCount, int val) function Set the horizontal alig......setColumnsAlignment setColumnsAlignment(int columnIndex, long columnsCount, int val) function Set the horizontal alig...
getRowGap getRowGap() function The value of vertical spacing between rows of a matrix; If the RowGapRule is set to 3 ......getRowGap getRowGap() function The value of vertical spacing between rows of a matrix; If the RowGapRule is set to 3 ...