isSynchronized isSynchronized() function Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized ......isSynchronized isSynchronized() function Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized ...
getTextFormat getTextFormat() function Text format. Read-only IChartTextFormat. Result ChartTextFormat...getTextFormat getTextFormat() function Text format. Read-only IChartTextFormat. Result ChartTextFormat
removeUnused removeUnused(boolean ignorePreserveField) function Removes unused master slides. Parameters Name Type De......removeUnused removeUnused(boolean ignorePreserveField) function Removes unused master slides. Parameters Name Type De...
iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result...iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result
iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result...iteratorJava iteratorJava() function Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Result
getGrowToMatchOperandHeight getGrowToMatchOperandHeight() function Specifies the growth of BeginningCharacter, Separa......getGrowToMatchOperandHeight getGrowToMatchOperandHeight() function Specifies the growth of BeginningCharacter, Separa...
size size() function Returns the number of layout slides in a collection. Read-only int. Result int...size size() function Returns the number of layout slides in a collection. Read-only int. Result int
setWidth setWidth(float value) function Returns or sets the width of a legend as a fraction of the width of the chart......setWidth setWidth(float value) function Returns or sets the width of a legend as a fraction of the width of the chart...
insertClone insertClone(int index, MasterSlide sourceMaster) function Inserts a copy of a specified master slide to s......insertClone insertClone(int index, MasterSlide sourceMaster) function Inserts a copy of a specified master slide to s...
getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object...getSyncRoot getSyncRoot() function Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object. Result Object