指定比较两个文档时要跟踪的更改粒度。...整数 getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() 退货: java...退货: 整数[] hashCode() public native int hashCode() 退货: 整数 notify()...
Represents the field grouped by date time range....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Abstract class for the x- and y-coordinates....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Rule value....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.String hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
DrawObject will be initialized and returned when rendering....Cell getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Represents input cell for the scenario....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.String hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Specifies the type format of an image....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
指定有关 Aspose.Words 字体引擎可用的物理字体的信息。...布尔值 getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() 退货: java...String 值。 hashCode() public native int hashCode() 退货: 整数 notify()...
Represents the cell value and corresponding type....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Object hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Specifies properties of the group or shape to use for the comparison....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...