指定如何将列表标签导出为 HTML MHTML 和 EPUB。...整数 getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() 退货: java...退货: 整数[] hashCode() public native int hashCode() 退货: 整数 notify()...
Describes the values of the interpolation points in a gradient scale dataBar or iconSet....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Object hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Represent an area of cells....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Represents the list of filters for...PivotAreaFilter - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...instance. hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Represents a collection of all the objects in the specified chart legend.... getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...instance. hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Represents the border type of the ActiveX control....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Indicate Cell or Image of DrawObject....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources...boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...