Represents how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Specifies the type of shadow for a shape....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Determines whether the drawing page resizes automatically to fit the diagram....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Represents a revision record of a row/column insert/delete action....CellArea getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Worksheet hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
PolylineTo collection....PolylineTo - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
RelQuadBezTo collection....RelQuadBezTo - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
RelLineTo collection....RelLineTo - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
RelEllipticalArcTo collection....RelEllipticalArcTo - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
LineTo collection....LineTo - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Specifies the objects that shapes glue to when glue is enabled in the document....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...