可用于在为文档生成缩略图时指定其他选项。...布尔值 getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() 退货: java...Dimension 值。 hashCode() public native int hashCode() 退货: 整数 notify()...
Represents a custom or built-in document property....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Object hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Icon set type for conditional formatting....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...lang.Class hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
Describe the Top10 conditional formatting rule....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...Returns: int hashCode() public native int hashCode() Returns: int...
String value....boolean - getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...final native void notify() notifyAll() public final native void...
Enable checksum during generation for 1D barcodes....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...final native void notify() notifyAll() public final native void...
Enable checksum during generation for 1D barcodes....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...final native void notify() notifyAll() public final native void...
文档在 Microsoft Word 屏幕上显示的大小的可能值。...整数 getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() 退货: java...退货: 整数[] hashCode() public native int hashCode() 退货: 整数 notify()...
Specifies the style of dashed border lines....boolean getClass() public final native Class<?> getClass() Returns:...final native void notify() notifyAll() public final native void...