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  1. ToMesh | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    Nurbs 曲面转换为网格...ToMesh method 将 NURBS 曲面转换为网格 public Mesh ToMesh ()...
  2. DegreeU | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    DegreeU NurbsSurface.DegreeU property Gets or sets the degree u. Specifies the degree of the Nurbs curve for the u di......Specifies the degree of the NURBS curve for the u direction. Required...
  3. U | Aspose.3D for .NET API Reference

    U NurbsSurface.U property Gets the Nurbs surface’s U direction public NurbsDirection U { get ; } See Also class Nurbs......U property Gets the NURBS surface’s U direction public...
  4. MeasureConst | Aspose.Diagram for .NET API Refe...

    Units of measure.... NURBS 138 Nurbs curve data. PER 33 Percent...
  5. V | Aspose.3D for .NET API 参考

    获取 Nurbs 曲面的 V 方向...V property 获取 NURBS 曲面的 V 方向 public NurbsDirection...
  6. KnotVectors | Aspose.3D for .NET API Reference

    KnotVectors NurbsDirection.KnotVectors property Gets the knot vector, it is a sequence of parameter values that deter......the control points affect the NURBS curve. public IArrayList < double...
  7. ClosedV | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    ClosedV NurbsSurface.ClosedV property Gets or sets a value indicating whether is closed v. Specifies whether a Nurbs ...... Specifies whether a NURBS curve is closed for the v direction...
  8. ClosedU | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    ClosedU NurbsSurface.ClosedU property Gets or sets a value indicating whether is closed u. Specifies whether a Nurbs ...... Specifies whether a NURBS curve is closed for the u direction...
  9. Order | Aspose.3D for .NET API Reference

    Order NurbsDirection.Order property Gets or sets the order of a Nurbs curve, it defines the number of nearby control ......Gets or sets the order of a NURBS curve, it defines the number...
  10. ControlVertices | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Refer...

    ControlVertices Nurbs.ControlVertices property Gets or sets the control vertices. The control vertices element must o......ControlVertices Nurbs.ControlVertices property Gets or sets the...class ControlVertices class Nurbs namespace Aspose.CAD.FileFormats...