EmfExtTextOutOptions EmfExtTextOutOptions enumeration The ExtTextOutOptions enumeration specifies parameters that con......indicates that to display numbers, digits appropriate to the...indicates that to display numbers, European digits SHOULD be...
Pages PdfSaveOptions.Pages property Gets or sets the list of pages Numbers to save when saving project layout to sepa......or sets the list of pages numbers to save when saving project...
IObjectWithSizeF IObjectWithSizeF interface Represents object with Size which are expressed in real Numbers (in inche......which are expressed in real numbers (in inches). public interface...
Sets an array specifying custom dash pattern in a dashed line. The array consists of Numbers that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and spaces.... The array consists of numbers that specify the lengths of...
Deletes pages specified by number array from input file saves as a new Pdf file....Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves...Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves...
ReplacingArgs GroupIndex property. Identifies by index a captured group in the Match that is to be replaced with the Replacement string in C#.... Writeln ( "Numbers that the find-and-replace operation...replacementCount ); Assert . AreEqual ( "Numbers that the find-and-replace operation...
ReplacingArgs GroupName property. Identifies by name a captured group in the Match that is to be replaced with the Replacement string in C#.... Writeln ( "Numbers that the find-and-replace operation...replacementCount ); Assert . AreEqual ( "Numbers that the find-and-replace operation...
ParagraphFormat Bidi property. Gets or sets whether this is a righttoleft paragraph in C#....); // The BIDIOUTLINE field numbers paragraphs like the AUTONUM/LISTNUM...the RTL equivalent of list number "1.". FieldBidiOutline field...
I use Aspose word to manipulate a word file and then try to extract the manipulated text from that file using
But it removes all the spaces. I need to keep spaces in the text whe…...code: ONTARIO[SEAL]Court File Number (Name of court)atForm 8: Application...spaces: ONTARIO Court File Number (Name of court) Form 6B: Affidavit...