Here is the file (please delete after usage !):
here is the code:
using (var stream = new FileStream(ppt, FileMode.Open))
var presentation = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation(stream, loadOptions);
…...access to our Paid Support management team. pcaillol April 24,...
We are getting an error (System.ArgumentException : Destination array was not long enough...) trying to accept all revisions on the attached Excel file (from a client). It can be reproduced with the following code:
var …...access to our Paid Support management team. simon.zhao July 9,...
I need to know in which version of Aspose.PDF for Java was introduced the ability to write rotated text.
For production needs I have to write rotated text using version 10.8 of Aspose.PDF for Java, but I’m unable to fin…...access to our Paid Support management team....
We are trying to convert the charts in excel into PDF format using
latest version(23.5) of Aspose.Cellsfor Java, found that the whole horizontal axis in the output PDF was missing.
Workbook workbook = new W…...access to our Paid Support management team....
Hello, Team I m using aspose .NET to generate document all the values needed as input i am providing correctly. But only for 1 document My font size and family changes. I haven’t encountered this issue before....access to our Paid Support management team. Raghul123 September...
Hi, support:
for example, there is an url like “http://www.123.com/SDEW32DSDWE32”, how to convert the url as “http://www.123.com/abc.jpg”
Thanks for your help....access to our Paid Support management team. asad.ali August 8,...
Just take the ususal suspect code
Presentation presentation = new Presentation("example.pptx");
presentation.Save("output.html", SaveFormat.Html5);
Will throw
System.ArgumentException: Resource not found (Parameter …...access to our Paid Support management team. tigerlutz January 24...
This is really weird but depending on text I’m trying to put into PDF, it may or may not use font I asked. So what I get is a PDF file where some CJK text is one font and and some in another event though I used same font…...access to our Paid Support management team....
i’m test ocr for implementention in another project.
here is just a website project Framework 4.8. join image for test in this post.
i’ve install Aspose.OCR from nuget packets.
and i make 2 tests, one is just ocr an i…...access to our Paid Support management team....